FoxHillLlamas: An Interview with Owner Nichelle Scholz

One of the things I've enjoyed the most about featuring Etsy shops on my blog is getting to know the owners; what inspires them to design? What brought them to open their shop? I've started a new series of blog posts specifically for this occasion - owner interviews. I hope you'll enjoy learning more about these unique artists' process and inspiration!

 Plush llama. Little Llama Decorated with Tassles ...Just like the Llamas of Fox Hill!

"Llamas are an enchanting animal, with so many unique colors and fibers", says Nichelle Scholz, owner of Etsy shop FoxHillLlamas. Having started paper crafting at the young age of 8 years old, Nichelle began to craft with llama fibers in 2014. Her desire was to showcase llama fibers in products that you wouldn't normally expect; paper, bird nesters, dryer balls and more. Nichelle and her family have a small herd of llamas at their farm in Western Australia. Each one of her llamas helps contribute to their cost of their care by the sale of the products that Nichelle is able to craft from their fibers and sanitized llama poo.
Llama Poo Paper Business Cards. Hand-made Recycled Paper .. with llama poo. 120 Cards - Blank - Textured - Deckle Edges - Letterpress 

Lllama poo?! Yes, you heard that right. :) Nichelle adds sanitized llama waste to some of her paper products. They're actually her best seller on Etsy - "The business cards have proved to be great conversation starters!", comments Nichelle. Llama poo paper is made with recycled paper, and is hand formed with a specially sized mold.

Native Bird Nester - MakeForGood - Bird Nesting Fibre - Outdoor Decor - Eco Friendly Home - Nature Lover Gift

Nichelle's best-seller isn't her favorite item, though. Passionate about making products that benefit nature, Nichelle has created bird nesters filled with llama fibers - perfect for your local mama birds to make nests out of. She says, "There is something special about helping a mother provide for her family and this can be extended to our native animals too."

If you're thinking about becoming an Etsy seller, Nichelle has advice for you - "You will grow with your store and learn along the way. If you wait until you feel 'ready' that moment may never come." She also advises to be patient in waiting for sales, and to stick with it. "I have found that the Etsy community is amazingly supportive, both buyers and sellers. Others sellers are very supportive, they will help if you have any problems and will lift your confidence if it wanes. Good luck!"

You can find Nichelle at her shop, FoxHillLlamas on Etsy - as well as on her website, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr.  

Until next time, stay crafty!

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